Baby development at 33 weeks
Skull Flexibility:
The bones in your infant’s skull remain unfused, allowing for movement and slight overlapping. This flexibility facilitates easier passage through the birth canal, formed by the cervix, vagina, and vulva. The intense pressure during birth often results in a temporarily pointy head, as the skull bones only fully fuse in early adulthood. This non-fusion allows for growth as your baby’s brain and other tissues expand during infancy and childhood.
Baby’s Evolving Skin:
Your baby is rapidly shedding the wrinkled appearance, with their skin becoming less red and more opaque. The texture is transforming into a soft and smooth state as your little one plumps up in preparation for birth.
Changes in Baby’s Movements:
As the womb space becomes more confined, your baby may perform fewer somersaults, though the overall movement sensation should remain consistent. After assuming a head-down position in readiness for birth, you might experience kicks in new locations, such as underneath your ribs on one side or the other.
Your baby is about the size of a pineapple
Pregnancy symptoms during week 33
Trouble sleeping
Finding an easy position to sit in – let alone sleep in – is becoming more of a challenge. If you’re sleeping less or dealing with insomnia during pregnancy, you’re not alone. Difficulty getting enough rest is a common complaint during the last few months before giving birth.
Physical discomfort is one of the biggest reasons for poor sleep in late pregnancy. Your belly is large, and your body may hurt from the added weight, stretching ligaments, and swelling. If you haven’t already, finding a good pregnancy pillow could make it easier to settle in for some shut-eye.
Feeling anxious can make it difficult to sleep, too. If worries about your baby’s birth or anything else are keeping you up, talk with your provider. They might suggest seeing a therapist or trying other solutions so you can get the rest you need.
Wrist pain
If you’re feeling some achiness and even numbness in your fingers, wrists, and hands, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. It happens when the median nerve – a major nerve in the hand that travels through the wrist and arm – is squeezed or compressed. You’re more prone to it during pregnancy because of swelling in your hands and wrists.
Carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy can start any time, but it’s more likely to begin or worsen during the second or third trimester – when swelling typically develops.
To relieve discomfort, try to identify the activities that tend to cause or aggravate carpal tunnel syndrome for you, and limit them as much as you can (especially activities where your wrist is in the same position for a long time).
Whenever possible, cut back on movements that cause you pain. If these are required for your job, talk with your doctor or midwife, who may be able to help you get accommodations at work. They may also recommend pain medication and occupational therapy to strengthen your wrists.
Swollen labia
Swollen labia are a normal – if surprising – symptom during pregnancy. Increased blood flow, combined with added pressure from your growing uterus and hormonal changes, contribute to swelling in the lips that surround the opening of the vagina. While this swelling isn’t always painful, it might cause itching and soreness. The skin of your labia may also appear darker.
It’s difficult to prevent swollen labia, but you can manage your discomfort by avoiding sitting or standing for too long. Instead, change positions frequently throughout the day. Take time off your feet, but get some gentle movement in, too. You can also wear a supportive undergarment that has compression to keep swelling under control. If you’re especially uncomfortable, apply a cold pack covered in cloth to the area.
Frequent urination
Most women experience frequent urination during pregnancy. This normal pregnancy symptom intensifies during the third trimester, as your growing uterus pushes on your bladder.
While there’s nothing harmful about frequent urination, it can be uncomfortable – and it’s inconvenient to make frequent trips to the bathroom. Plus, it’s hard to get good sleep when you’re waking up constantly to pee.
To get relief, scale back on beverages as bedtime approaches. Additionally, skipping coffee and soda might help lessen your need to pee. Taking your time when urinating – and ensuring you’re emptying your bladder completely – can help as well. (One trick: Lean forward as you finish peeing to get as much urine out as possible.)
If you’re also experiencing urinary incontinence, make sure to use the restroom as soon as your body signals your need to pee, and consider wearing panty liners as extra protection in case you leak.
Shortness of breath
It’s typical to have some shortness of breath now, as your growing uterus puts pressure on your diaphragm and pushes up against your lungs. If your blood pressure is higher than normal or if you have excessive amniotic fluid, this can cause shortness of breath, too.
Some mild to moderate shortness of breath is normal in late pregnancy, but if your symptoms are more severe, reach out to your doctor or midwife. If you’re having trouble breathing or have a persistent cough or rapid pulse, this could signal a serious health condition that requires medical attention.
Pregnancy brain
If you’re feeling forgetful, it makes sense: You’ve got a lot on your mind, and you may not be getting very good sleep. Stress and fatigue can interfere with your ability to concentrate.
While “pregnancy brain” isn’t a proven side effect of pregnancy, many moms-to-be report feeling more fuzzy-headed in late pregnancy.
Now’s the time to take it easy on yourself, so don’t beat yourself up if you’re missing appointments or forgetting tasks. Instead, consider making a few changes like setting alarms as reminders, asking your partner to take on more of the mental load, and taking notes to remember important information. Getting as much rest as possible and simplifying your to-do list may also help decrease symptoms of so-called pregnancy brain.
Pregnancy checklist at 33 weeks
Choosing Grandparent Names: A Thoughtful Decision
When it comes to grandparent names, the traditional “Grandma” and “Grandpa” are just the beginning. Explore various options that align with cultural influences and family traditions. Engage with the grandparents to consider their preferences, and don’t hesitate to let your child play a role in naming their grandparents.
Monitor Fetal Movements: Kick Counts for a Healthy Pregnancy
Prioritize your baby’s well-being by performing kick counts during a time when your baby is typically active. Sit or lie down, and time how long it takes to feel 10 distinct fetal movements. If the count falls short within two hours, consult your healthcare provider for guidance and potential tests.
Baby Clothes Essentials: Stocking Up for the Newborn Stage
Prepare for the inevitable messes that come with newborns by ensuring you have an ample supply of baby clothes. While fancy outfits are ideal for special occasions, focus on practical and comfortable sleepers, gowns, and pajamas for everyday wear. Opt for clothes that facilitate easy diaper changes and don’t forget to have enough layers to keep your baby warm.
Childproofing the Nursery: A Preemptive Safety Measure
Although your baby won’t be mobile for a while, early childproofing of the nursery is a wise move. Ensure the crib’s safety, avoiding outdated cribs and unnecessary crib bumpers. Be mindful of the placement of artwork and secure any hanging items, such as mobiles, out of your baby’s reach. Anchor furniture, manage cords, and install outlet protectors for a secure environment.
33 weeks pregnant bellies
Due to hormonal shifts during pregnancy, your hair may seem thicker or grow faster, a welcome change for the hair on your head. However, some expectant mothers may experience an undesirable increase in body and facial hair.
While there’s no obligation to shave or wax body hair if you’re not inclined to, if you desire less hair on your body, you might be contemplating the safety of getting a bikini wax during pregnancy.
Waxing is generally safe during pregnancy, but be aware that your skin could be more sensitive than usual. To minimize irritation, consider waiting until your hair reaches a length between one-fourth and three-fourths of an inch, ensure the area is clean before waxing, and maintain the wax at a safe temperature.
As you approach your due date, it’s advisable to refrain from waxing or shaving your bikini area or lower abdomen, especially if there’s a possibility of a C-section. Shaving or waxing these areas prior to surgery may irritate the hair follicles and elevate the risk of infection.