Baby development at 7 weeks
The development of your baby’s eyes is underway, with key components such as the cornea, iris, pupil, lens, and retina taking shape this week. Within just a few weeks, these essential parts will be nearly fully formed.
In terms of the digestive system, your baby’s stomach and esophagus are beginning to take form. The esophagus, responsible for moving food from the mouth to the stomach, is developing during this period.
Simultaneously, the liver and pancreas of your baby are initiating their developmental processes.
Regarding brain development, the neural tube, which transforms into your baby’s spinal column and brain, has closed at both ends. The three main areas of the brain—forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain—have now taken shape. Remarkably, your baby’s brain is gaining an average of 250,000 cells per minute throughout the entire pregnancy journey.
Your baby is about the size of a blueberry
Pregnancy symptoms during week 7
Pregnancy symptoms to watch out for
The rapid changes your body undergoes during pregnancy can make it challenging to discern whether a new sensation is normal or warrants immediate attention. Our guide outlines symptoms that should never be dismissed. Remember this crucial advice: Trust your instincts and seek assistance if you have concerns.
Heightened Sense of Smell:
- During early pregnancy, a surge in estrogen levels can lead to an overpowering sensitivity to odors. You might find previously pleasant scents, such as those from your partner, pet, or home, now unappealing. Fortunately, this heightened sense of smell is typically temporary and diminishes after the initial stages of pregnancy.
Food Aversions:
- Estrogen fluctuations can also cause sudden aversions to foods you once enjoyed. Typically surfacing in the first trimester, these aversions often fade by the second trimester. However, your appetite might remain unpredictable until childbirth.
Frequent Urge to Pee:
- Increased frequency of urination is a common early sign of pregnancy. Hormonal changes quicken blood flow to the kidneys, resulting in a fuller bladder more frequently during this stage.
Mood Swings:
- Moodiness, often experienced between 6 to 10 weeks into pregnancy, can be attributed to stress, fatigue, and hormonal shifts. Emotional fluctuations may also stem from the anticipation and varied feelings associated with impending parenthood.
Excessive Saliva:
- Elevated saliva production, a real phenomenon during pregnancy, may be due to hormonal changes, nausea, or heartburn. Coping strategies include frequent teeth brushing, consuming small balanced meals, staying hydrated, and using hard candy or gum to aid swallowing.
- Hormones that relax smooth muscles during pregnancy can slow down the digestive process, causing constipation in up to half of expecting women. Combat this by incorporating high-fiber foods, staying hydrated, exercising, trying different prenatal vitamins, and responding promptly to the urge to use the bathroom.
- Commonly known as acid indigestion, heartburn is an uncomfortable burning sensation between the throat and breastbone. To alleviate symptoms, avoid stomach-upsetting foods, opt for smaller meals, drink water between meals, chew gum, sleep propped up, and refrain from eating two to three hours before bedtime.
No Pregnancy Symptoms:
- While 90 percent of expectant mothers experience pregnancy symptoms by the next week, not everyone does. If you’ve received a positive pregnancy test result and don’t feel pregnant or have intermittent symptoms, rest assured. Lack of symptoms doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem with your pregnancy, although the reasons for this variability remain unknown.
Pregnancy checklist at 7 weeks pregnant
Do your best to eat well
Strive to maintain a healthy diet, even if the challenges of nausea make it difficult to achieve a well-rounded intake during your first trimester. Focus on making the best food choices available to you. Learn the art of planning nutritious meals for expectant mothers and explore 15 delightful recipes designed for both taste and nutritional benefits. Additionally, keep in mind the 12 recommended foods for pregnancy, including eggs, salmon, beans, sweet potatoes, whole grains, walnuts, Greek yogurt, broccoli, dark leafy greens, lean meats, poultry, colorful fruits, veggies, avocados, and dried fruits.
Connect with your partner
Foster a strong connection with your partner during this journey. Despite the physical demands of pregnancy, your partner can actively participate in the experience. Building a deeper bond before the baby arrives will better prepare both of you for the shared challenges of caring for a newborn. Set aside time for date nights, engage in discussions about parenting, and share your aspirations and dreams for the future.
Predict your baby’s sex
Anticipate the curiosity about your baby’s gender. While it’s too early for a definitive answer, you can have some fun experimenting with highly unscientific gender predictor tests or try the Chinese gender predictor. Remember, these tests are just for amusement and carry a 50/50 chance of accuracy.
Decide when to announce your pregnancy
Contemplate when to share the exciting news of your pregnancy. Some expectant mothers choose to wait until after the first trimester, reducing the risk of miscarriage, while others prefer immediate announcements. Factors like workplace dynamics may influence your decision, with some opting to delay informing co-workers or bosses to avoid potential workplace biases. Consider the manner in which you’ll reveal the news, drawing inspiration from creative approaches adopted by other parents.
7 weeks pregnant bellies
While your abdominal appearance might remain relatively unchanged, particularly when concealed beneath loose clothing, the narrative shifts with the development of your breasts. At this juncture, you may observe a significant increase in breast size, a transformation that will persist throughout your pregnancy. A common occurrence is an augmentation of one or two cup sizes, particularly for first-time pregnancies. The stretching of the skin might lead to itchiness, and the possibility of developing stretch marks on the breasts becomes more apparent.