16 Weeks Pregnant

Baby development at 16 weeks

Gentle infant skin
The skin of your baby is delicate, thin, and nearly transparent. Although it will gradually thicken during your pregnancy, it will remain translucent for an extended period.

Formation of scalp patterns
On your baby’s scalp, the development of hair follicles is creating a lifelong pattern. This pattern will influence the growth of your baby’s hair, as new follicles do not form after birth. Therefore, babies are born with the complete set of hair follicles they will ever have.

Active heart
Your baby’s heart is currently pumping approximately 25 quarts of blood daily, and this volume will continue to rise as your little one progresses in development.

Your baby is about the size of an avocado

Pregnancy symptoms during week 16

Round Ligament Pain
As your uterus undergoes the incredible process of expansion, the round ligaments supporting it thicken and stretch. Unfortunately, this can result in a sharp, stabbing pain on one or both sides of your abdomen, known as round ligament pain. If this discomfort arises, take a moment to pause and rest – round ligament pain typically alleviates quickly. If cramping persists even after resting, it’s advisable to contact your doctor or midwife.

Gas and Bloating
An increase in gas production, courtesy of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes muscles, including those in your digestive tract, can lead to heightened gas and bloating. Relaxed muscles slow down digestion, causing discomfort in your gut. To find relief from gas, opt for smaller, more frequent meals, eat slowly, avoid carbonated drinks and the artificial sweetener sorbitol. Additionally, incorporating movement, like a brief walk, can stimulate digestion.

Back Pain
During pregnancy, many women experience back pain due to the expanding uterus weakening abdominal muscles and exerting extra strain on the lower back. Hormonal changes further contribute by loosening joints and relaxing ligaments, resulting in instability and pain. Strengthening exercises such as weight training, prenatal yoga, walking, swimming, and pelvic tilts can mitigate discomfort. Seeking a pregnancy massage for back pain from your partner or a professional practitioner is also a viable option.

Breast Changes
Notable breast changes, including sore nipples, tenderness, prominent veins, pigment alterations, and more defined bumps on the areolas, are common during pregnancy. Occasionally, harmless lumps and bumps, such as milk-filled cysts (galactoceles) or benign breast tumors (fibroadenomas), may develop. While it’s uncommon for serious conditions like breast cancer to arise during pregnancy, any concerns about hard lumps should be communicated to your healthcare provider.

The existence of “pregnancy brain” remains uncertain among researchers, but many expectant mothers report instances of absentmindedness and difficulty concentrating. It’s likely that a combination of stress, anxiety, fatigue, and hormonal changes contributes to forgetfulness during pregnancy. If you find it challenging to keep track of daily tasks, consider simplifying where possible, seeking assistance, and utilizing organizational tools like your phone’s calendar and apps.

Pregnancy Headaches
Headaches are a common occurrence during pregnancy, attributed to factors such as stress, dehydration, reduced caffeine intake, hormonal fluctuations, and other routine causes. However, if you experience a severe headache in the second or third trimester, it could be a potential sign of preeclampsia. In such cases, contacting your healthcare provider is advisable.

Pregnancy checklist at 16 weeks pregnant

Explore second-trimester prenatal examinations
In the second trimester, new prenatal tests become available. Between weeks 16 and 18, you may be presented with the option of an Alpha Fetal Protein (AFP) test, aimed at screening for neural tube defects like spina bifida, although it’s worth noting that this test is not as precise as the upcoming anatomy ultrasound. A more accurate assessment will be conducted during that ultrasound in the following weeks. If the AFP test indicates a positive result, your doctor may recommend a thorough ultrasound by a specialist. Additionally, if you haven’t undergone a first-trimester screen or non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) but desire screening for Down syndrome, your healthcare provider can order a quad screen.

Steer clear of risky activities
As your abdomen expands, it becomes crucial to avoid activities that pose a high risk of falling or may lead to trauma to your abdomen. Activities such as scuba diving, contact sports, snowboarding, downhill skiing, four-wheelers, horseback riding, and certain amusement park rides should be avoided.

Monitor your weight gain
Your healthcare provider will keep track of your weight to ensure you are within a healthy range and gaining weight at an appropriate pace. You can also use our pregnancy weight gain calculator to stay on course.

Initiate a baby names list
Creating a list of potential baby names that both you and your partner can agree on is a thoughtful way to approach this decision. Each of you can compile a list of ten names you like, exchange lists, and take turns eliminating names until you hopefully find some in common.

Communicate with your baby
Although direct communication isn’t possible yet, talking to your baby is a wonderful way to initiate the bonding process. If having a traditional conversation feels awkward, you can narrate your daily activities, read aloud, or share your hopes and dreams for your child. Writing a letter to your baby is also a special way to establish a connection, both in the present and for the future when your child reads the letter.

16 weeks pregnant bellies

Give your hardworking body the extra care it deserves. If you’re experiencing discomfort in your hips or groin, consider using a maternity support garment. Upgrade your bras and underwear for added comfort, and enhance your sleep quality with a pregnancy pillow that provides support for your back and belly.

When it comes to footwear, invest in cute flats or other comfortable shoes suitable for pregnancy. Keep in mind that your feet may swell and grow later in pregnancy, so consider buying a half or whole size larger than your usual.

Treat yourself to some well-deserved pampering with options like a prenatal massage, facial, or a manicure and pedicure. Rest assured, these indulgences are safe during pregnancy, as long as you take some basic precautions.
